Wildfires 1990
On August 6, 1990, dry lightning ignited multiple fires on lands
managed by the Ochoco and Malheur National Forests, Oregon
Department of Forestry and Burns District Bureau of Land
Management. Occurring during a period of devastating drought
conditions, several of the these fires raged out of control. This
incident, named the Pine Springs Basin Fire, pushed by 60 mph winds,
eventually burned 73,700 acres of federal and private lands.
Two thousand firefighters, including federal, state and private
resources assisted by the Oregon National Guard and the U.S. Army
were utilized in the suppression efforts. The fires threatened the
communities of Burns, Hines and Riley and prompted the governor to
invoke the conflagration act, allowing use of statewide municipal
firefighting resources. Through these concerted efforts the fire
was brought under control on August 16, 1990.