
See the context of this sign.

Snake River Crossing

River Crossings were difficult for Oregon
Trail emigrants and the Snake River was no
exception. Emigrants, wagons, and livestock all
had to cross the river; casualties were common.
Clinda Hines, emigrant of 1853, watched in
horror as her father vanished into the depths of
the Snake River at this crossing: "Uncle G swam
in & got out Pa's hat
", she lamented.
Fortunately, local Indians could be hired to assist
emigrants at this river crossing.

...our worst trouble at these
large rivers, is swimming the
stock over, often after swimming
nearly half way over, the poor
things, will turn and come out
again, at this place, however,
there are indians who swim the
river from morning till night. it
is fun for thm, there is many a
drove of cattle that could not be
got over without their help, by
paying them a small sum, they
will take a horse by the bridle or
halter, and swim over with
him, the rest of the horses all
follow, and by driving and
hurraing to the cattle they will
most always follow the horses,
sometimes they fail and turn

Amelia Stewart Knight,
August 5, 1853

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